Where Upper Back Pain Comes From, And How You Can Learn To Deal With It

Upper back pain can come and go. Just because it's not there doesn't mean that you're cured of it. If you suffered an accident or have upper back pain for any other reason, you should see a physical therapist about dealing with it.

Where is Your Upper Back Pain Coming From?

Before you or your physical therapist can do anything, it's important to know what's causing your upper back pain. There are a few things that can cause upper back pain, but the most common reason comes from myofascial problems. "Myofascial" refers to the connective tissue that encloses and winds its way through muscle.

Myofascial pain – Myofascial pain stems from your upper back muscles. These types of pains come from muscles that become irritated and inflamed from overuse. For example, repetitive motions that use your upper back muscles can inflame them. Strenuous exercise and accidents can also lead to these kinds of pains.

Interestingly, under-usage of these muscles can also lead to pain. In fact, it can become a self-propagating issue. For example, if an injury leads to muscle pains, you may avoid using those upper back muscles for fear of how much it will hurt. This in turn will cause those muscles to weaken while straining to support you.

Many of your activities can lead to myofascial pain. Typically, some rest is all you would need to relieve the pain and relax the muscles. However, when you consistently work the same muscles or under-work them, you can develop chronic pains.

Dealing With Upper Back Pain

There are several ways to prevent myofascial pain. There are also ways to deal with it when it occurs.

Practice your posture – Either sitting, standing, or laying, posture is important. Proper posture puts the least amount of stress on your neck and upper back.  If you're in pain, posture can help to dilute it by spreading it out and away.

Learn to stretch – Stretching loosens soft tissue and relieves pressure. Stretching is of benefit to all of your body. But if you're suffering from upper back pain, you should familiarize yourself with stretching techniques that can target that area.

See a professional – The most important thing that you can do is to see a physical therapist about your pain. Your physical therapist can help you deal with the pain the most effective way possible. He or she will also teach you how to best stretch, exercise, and position you body.

The goal is to make pain manageable or to eliminate it completely. Remember that pain isn't something you're supposed to just accept. Speak to a physical therapist about the rehabilitation services that are available to you.
