4 Breastfeeding Tips to Try

Breastfeeding is one of the best things you can do for your baby. It provides them with all the nourishment they need and even boosts their immune system naturally. Every mother's body is unique, and everyone produces different quantities of breast milk. Sometimes breastfeeding is challenging, but with the right technique, you can form an excellent breastfeeding relationship with your child. Here are four tips you can use to improve your breastfeeding experience:

1. Supplement with formula.

Breastfeeding is great for your child and your growing relationship with them, but remember that it's perfectly all right to supplement their diet with formula. Your breastfeeding relationship should be as stress-free as possible. If using formula occasionally helps take some stress off your mind, you should embrace the practice. Remember that parenthood is not a competition. Using formula doesn't mean you have failed; it's simply another way to feed your child.

2. Drink breastfeeding tea.

You may find that you don't produce as much breast milk as you'd like. In this case, there are natural remedies you can use to increase your milk production. Breastfeeding tea is usually made from herbs that stimulate lactation, such as milk thistle, fenugreek, and alfalfa. It's a natural and effective way to encourage your body to produce more breast milk. Breastfeeding tea is most effective when taken throughout the day.

3. Use cabbage leaf compresses.

While breastfeeding, your breasts can become engorged if you don't pump or feed for a prolonged period of time. Engorgement is often painful, and you may have trouble breastfeeding due to the discomfort. Cabbage leaves that have been chilled in the refrigerator make an excellent remedy. Use these leaves as compresses to soothe swelling and relieve pain. You may also try hand expressing small amounts of milk to relieve your symptoms.

4. Consider co-sleeping.

Co-sleeping is an alternative sleeping arrangement that can help you get more rest while still breastfeeding your child. Instead of having to fully wake up during the night to nurse, you can allow your baby to nurse without getting out of bed. Co-sleeping can be perfectly safe when you take the proper precautions. According to the Raising Children Network, you should give your baby their own bedding and ensure they are far away from the edge of the bed. If you're concerned about your baby falling out of the bed, you may invest in a sidecar-style bassinet attachment for your bed.
