Five Natural Treatments For Candida (Yeast Fungus)

Candida can cause many unpleasant issues -- mainly for women or infants. Candida can be more commonly known as yeast infections or diaper rash, and once it occurs it can be very difficult to get rid of. Harsh chemicals and treatments can actually make the situation worse. If you're currently suffering from candida (or trying to treat it on your child), you may want to look for a product for treatment of candida online or consider some of these natural treatments.

Three Benefits Of Chiropractic Care For Teens

Chiropractic care is sometimes seen as a treatment for older, aching adults with bad backs and neck pain. But in reality, chiropractic care is good preventative medicine for everyone – even healthy, young teenagers. Here's a look at three ways your teen will benefit from seeing the chiropractor on a regular basis. Improved Mood It's no secret that teens can be moody! From general grumpiness to diagnosable depression, mood-related issues are prevalent in teens, and they can interfere with their schoolwork, social lives, and ability to enjoy life in general.

Weren't A Good Candidate For LASIK Years Ago? 2 Reasons You May Now Be A Great Candidate

LASIK eye surgery has been FDA approved in the US for 21 years now, and since then, the vision correction procedure has been improved in many ways and many new types of laser eye surgery have been developed. If you thought you weren't a good candidate for LASIK or were told you didn't qualify for any other vision surgery in the past, then read on to find out how LASIK has improved and a new laser eye surgery option that you may qualify for now.

Dealing With Cat Allergens In Your Home

If you have cat allergies and also own a cat, then you know the effect they have on your health. Usually, it is recommended that a person with cat allergies never own a cat. However, that's not practical for everyone, especially for those who weren't aware of their allergies until after the cat arrived. However, just because you're allergic, it doesn't mean that you will have to give up your pet.

3 Things You Need to Remember to Do When Changing Your Obstetrician During Pregnancy

If you end up changing your obstetrician for one reason or another during pregnancy, such as moving, change of insurance, etc., it is very important that you make sure that it is a successful and good change for you. In order to make sure that both you and your baby are taken care of, and also to ensure that nothing is forgotten in the transfer, there are certain things that you will need to do.